A CHEQUE for £2,000 has hit a sweet note for local charities. The cash was raised by a local choir and is on-song to benefit three worthy causes, selected by last year’s Corby mayor.
As Mayor of Corby until spring 2015, Cllr Anthony Dady was raising funds for Corby Foodbank, Corby Street Pastors and the Lighthouse Drop-in Centre.
Last week, he proudly collected the £2,000 raised by The Central England Co-op Choir to divide between his chosen charities.
The choir is made up of enthusiastic volunteers who get together every week to sing. Every year, the women pick a charity to support and last year the group decided to raise money for Cllr Dady’s three charities.
As well as the choir’s usual events, such as carol singing at Morrison’s and holding a Winter Concert, this year they also held a Spring Concert for the very first time to raise further funds.
Cllr Dady said: “I am extremely grateful for all of the efforts put in by the choir to raise this amount of money.
“This donation is the biggest single donation I received and is a result of their talent and enthusiasm.
“I whole-heartedly thank each and every one of the ladies who were involved.”
The Central England Co-op Choir meets every Wednesday at 7pm at St Columba’s Church Hall on Studfall Avenue, Corby. All ladies are welcome to join the group; there are no auditions or requirement to being able to read music.
For info about the choir, contact Ruth on: 07903994318.
Pictured above – MUSIC TO OUR EARS! Cllr Anthony Dady and his wife Alison collect the charities’ cheque for £2,000 from The Central England Co-op Choir.